HRNZ SDG Week 2023
In collaboration with Bead and Proceed, we are excited to introduce HRNZ's SDG (Sustainable Development Goals) Week 2023 - to celebrate, promote, and recognise sustainability throughout the HR community and beyond.
The Global Week to #ACT4SDGs is 15 September to 25 September 2023, and we are resolute in engaging HR professionals and businesses in transformative conversations surrounding sustainability.
Our core intention is to establish a profound connection between HR Professionals and people leaders and the pursuit of sustainability. Moving beyond the conventional perception of 'green and clean' sustainability, we aim to highlight the vital importance of nurturing and caring for people as an integral part of our sustainability journey.
Join us for a variety of events and initiatives that will inspire you to take action and carry out sustainable practices to create meaningful change for our environment's future.
Let's start off with an empowering video by Bridget Williams!

Intersection of HR and Sustainability - A Panel Webinar
Monday, 18 September
Time: 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Location: Virtual via Zoom, this was a complimentary event for all
This Webinar higlighted the vital importance of caring for our people as an integral part of our sustainability journey. Moving beyond the conventional perception of “green and clean” sustainability, HR professionals and people leaders play a key role in this kaupapa (topic, initiative).HRNZ was honored to have businesses, people leaders and HR professionals join Karen Meredith (PeopleEx), Teresa Callow (NZ Merino) and Craig Binney (Scenic Hotel Group) to uncover their sustainability journeys. We hope that you walked away with practical takeaways and an addition to your sustainability toolbox.
See the recording below, or check out the Sustainability Toolkit here.

"Goal Getters" Competition
Open now until the 24 September
Over SDG Week, HRNZ wanted to celebrate and recognise those amazing Goal Getters who are actioning the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). We were asking people across Aotearoa to send in photos capturing how they action one or more of the SDGs through their daily life, workplace, or place of study. Each entry went in the draw to win a prize pack of sustainable goodies, and was added to HRNZ's Sustainability Library.
The winner will be announced soon.
Check out the Sustainability Library.

SDG Action Day
During HRNZ's SDG Week
We have mobilised our HRNZ branches to implement sustainable initiatives in their region, engaging with the local HR community.
Everyday should be an SDG Action Day! Join us in making a positive impact on our world by participating in any sustainable initiative! Whether it's raising awareness, volunteering, or advocating for change, every effort counts!
Check out the great initiatives HRNZ branches have been doing during the week on HRNZ LinkedIn!
We called out to our members and followers to vote for their favourite idea, and are excited to announce that Wellington Branch with their initiative of a FUNdraising Movie Night & a Cafe connect to support the Common Unity Project was the winner! They will receive a free workshop proudly sponsored by PeopleEx | Human Resource Consultancy & Management.

The Sustainability Toolkit
During HRNZ's SDG Week
To better support our HR community on their sustainability journey, we put together a Sustainability Toolkit, which includes our The Basics HR Guide – Sustainability, the three Green Guides from PeopleEx, a Wellbeing resources pack, and more…

HRNZ Virtual Summit | Workplace Wellbeing
21 September 2023
One of the SDGs HRNZ is committed ourselves to is SDG 3: Good Health and Wellbeing.
HRNZ's 15th Virtual Summit focused on the well-being of the workforce, the driving force behind our workplaces. Our panelists explored real-life stories to gain valuable insights and actionable strategies for enhancing your team's well-being!

Bookend the SDG Week 2023
Sunday 25 September
On the anniversary of the SDGs, we're proud to unveil the winners of the Goal Getters Competition and our standout branch champions. These individuals and groups have gone above and beyond in their pursuit of SDG advancement, embodying the spirit of positive change.