Our sustainability commitments
HRNZ is committed to the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). As highlighted by the Sustainable Development Solutions Network, there are six transformations required for the SDGs to be achieved by the 2030 deadline and HRNZ recognises it can make the most impact towards transformation 1: Education, Gender, and Inequality and transformation 2: Health, Wellbeing and Demography.
While we recognise all 17 SDGs are important, we are focusing our attention to make direct impact towards six SDGs and have aligned ourselves to the relevant targets below.

Download HRNZ's 2023 Sustainability Snapshot
What SDGs do our staff care about:
The SDGs are also known as “The People’s Goals” as everyone has a responsibility to action them. At the start of 2021, we undertook a Bead and Proceed workshop to inspire our staff to champion the SDGs and connect with them personally. The workshop was a key tool that kick-started HRNZs SDG commitment and was an effective way to find out what staff cared about while democratising the process of HRNZs SDG alignment. Through the workshop, we discovered the top 5 SDGs our staff connected with personally.
Out of the five, HRNZ adopted the three most important SDGs to staff (10, 3 and 13) and incorporated these into the six high priority goals (as outlined above). In addition to our HRNZ SDGs, staff have personally committed themselves to the five SDGs they care about. This allows our team to exercise and action what inspires them and become SDG advocates beyond the HRNZ community.