Hall of Fame - Mana Tangata Māori Award

Te Whatu Ora - Tu Tangata Tu Rangatira
Emerging Māori HR Award 2024, in association with Tonkin+Taylor
Tū Tangata Tū Rangatira is a Māori Leadership Development programme that employs research-based exemplars from both Māori and Pākehā leadership methods to grow our Māori workforce. The focus of this hōtaka is on living in two worlds and drives the mixture of methods employed to provide leadership tools to our teina.
At its core, Tū Tangata Tū Rangatira is not an education programme. How these tools are used is directed by our participants as they seek to establish what leadership means for them and how they will enact their definition of leadership in our organisation. Tino Rangatiratanga at its core.

Te Whatu Ora Waitaha
Emerging Māori HR Award 2023, in association with Robert Walters
Te Whatu Ora, Waitaha me te Tai o Poutini know that one way we can better serve our patients is to improve the diversity of our kaimahi | staff. If our patients can see themselves, they are more likely to have a positive experience in our system. We want to have a positive impact on Māori and Pasifika health outcomes and reduce inequities. We have developed a tikanga, manaenhancing based recruitment process. A three staged process that is based on core values; whanaungatanga, arohatanga and manaakitanga. This includes an information day, rōpō | group interview and rōpū induction and ongoing support.

Alexis Cameron, Te Toka Tumai - Auckland District Health Board
Emerging Māori HR Award 2022
Alexis Cameron (Te Toka Tumai - Auckland District Health Board) took out the inaugural Emerging Māori HR Award. Alexis Cameron (Ngāti Porou, Ngati Hāmoa), a physiotherapist by profession, works tirelessly across the health and education sectors to dismantle institutional racism, eliminate inequities, and build culturally safe practice. Their Rangatahi Māori and Pacific workforce development programme was effectively designed and implemented to promote health careers to secondary school students, in a bid to increase the number of Māori and Pacific health professionals, to better reflect the communities they serve.

Karli Te Aotonga,Te Pou Tuarongo - Ministry of Education
Leadership Māori HR Award 2023, in association with Tonkin+Taylor
Karli has whakapapa to iwi and hapū of Mātāatua (Ngāti Awa, Ngāi Tūhoe), Te Arawa (Ngāti Tūwharetoa ki Kawerau), Tainui (Ngāti Raukawa, Ngāti Toa Rangatira) and the Aotea waka (Ngāti Ruanui, Ngā Raurū, Ngā Ruahine). Karli draws strength from her tūpuna to lead transformation and uphold the mana of people and organisations across Aotearoa. Karli’s comprehensive
contribution to HR centres on: inclusive leadership practice; collective aspirations for the Aotearoa HR profession; and organisations and their heartbeat/ ringa raupō – people.

Otago Polytechnic | Te Kura Matatini ki Otago
Leadership Māori HR Award 2023, in association with Robert Walters
Working in close partnership with the Office of The Kaitohutohu (KTO), the People and Culture team has been on a journey of developing bicultural competency that has enabled a significant shift in their thinking and practice that is more culturally responsive and inclusive for Māori. It has become part of their everyday practice and the way they do their mahi, with additional positive benefits for all ‘our people’. This is a continuing journey for their team, that they are proudly sharing, to show the positive impacts and benefits, and to inspire others on their own journey.

Downer New Zealand
Leadership Māori HR Award 2022
Downer New Zealand took out the inaugural Leadership Māori HR Award on the back of their Te Ara Whanake leadership programme. In 2014, Downer recognised that while Māori made up 24% of their workforce, there was poor representation in leadership roles. So, they deliberately set out to change this by creating an environment where Māori culture is recognised and celebrated. Their Te Ara Whanake has resulted in nine out of the fifteen pilot participants being promoted within six months of completing the programme