Hall of Fame - Special Awards

Karli Te Aotonga, Te Pou Tuarongo - Ministry of Education
HR Person of the Year 2024
Karli has whakapapa to iwi and hapū of Mātāatua (Ngāti Awa, Ngāi Tūhoe), Te Arawa (Ngāti Tūwharetoa ki Kawerau), Tainui (Ngāti Raukawa, Ngāti Toa Rangatira) and the Aotea waka (Ngāti Ruanui, Ngā Raurū, Ngā Ruahine). Karli draws strength from her tūpuna to lead transformation and uphold the mana of people and organisations across Aotearoa. Karli’s comprehensive contribution to HR centres on: inclusive leadership practice; collective aspirations for the Aotearoa HR profession; and organisations and their heartbeat/ ringa raupō – people.

Laura Warren, Otago Polytechnic (Te Pūkenga, NZ Institute of Skillsand Technology)
HR Person of the Year 2023
Laura is a leader in the HR profession in Aotearoa. As Deputy Chief Executive: People, Culture & Safety at Otago Polytechnic (a business division of Te Pūkenga), she contributes locally and nationally to best-practice, people-focussed strategies and workplace culture. Laura is known for her pragmatic, authentic, and engaging approach and for the positive impact she has on all who meet her. She is energetic, enthusiastic and a great supporter of all HR professionals. She contributes to HRNZ both through her role as Branch President of the Otago Branch, but also by driving local membership and promoting our national strategies.

Melissa Crawford, Vector
HR Person of the Year 2022
The HR Person of the Year Award is selected from one of the individual award winners, based on most impactful Contribution to the HR industry in Aotearoa.
It was a special night for Melissa Crawford from Vector who won Leadership Award and was awarded the supreme HR Person of the Year award (which is selected from the individual awards winners). Melissa brings a culture of kindness, growth, and valuing people, making their working experience easier through use of effective technologies. Described as a ‘new guard’ thinker who respects and evolves ‘old guard’ skills and experience to ensure success for individuals, teams, and the business.

Amy Clarke, Statistics NZ
HR Person of the Year 2021
It was a big night for Amy Clarke from Statistics New Zealand who was a finalist in the HR Generalist Award, won the HR Leadership Award and the prestigious HR Person of the Year Award (which is selected from the individual awards winners). The judges were impressed that Amy actively leads a generalist HR team whilst simultaneously operating as the organisation’s subject matter expert in diversity and inclusion, for which it is clear Amy has a major passion.
In announcing Amy as HR Person of the Year the Chief Judge commented… “Amy deserves this award because she operates at a very senior and effective level as a proven HR leader, an effective HR generalist manager and as a committed and passionate subject matter expert in diversity and inclusion. Amy makes a meritorious people contribution within her organisation and in the wider community.”

Debbie Kirby, Downer New Zealand
HR Person of the Year 2020
Debbie Kirby has improved the outcomes for many Downer people and their whanau through employment and development programmes. She is the acknowledged leader in NZ for Corporate Social Outcome programmes, contributing both to her own organisation and wider NZ. Through constant innovation and working collaborative with various Partners over 8 years she has tackled the tough social issues such as drug usage and the growing numbers of NEETs. Debbie freely shares her experience and expertise genuinely committed to making a difference. Debbie is considered one of the most significant contributors within Downer, having built a capability in the organisation that is now a key differentiator.

Katie Williams, Vodafone
HR Person of the Year 2019
Katie is an Organisational Psychologist by training with experience in Management Consulting in NZ, Europe and the UK prior to moving into in-house HR roles spanning generalist and specialist HR activity. Katie’s current role is 2IC to the Vodafone NZ HR Director leading the Vodafone New Zealand HR function to drive productivity and performance across the business.
Katie is a working mother of three children between the ages of 8 and 13, and has a long-standing passion and commitment to supporting women to live the life they most want, through doing all she can to increase gender equality in the workplace.

Kate Daly, Fletcher Building Limited
HR Person of the year 2018
Kate joined Fletcher Building in 2011 from Coca-Cola Amatil. The credibility of the central HR function was poor internally and externally and there had been little investment in the function since Fletcher Building was formed in 2001.Over the past six years, Kate has completely rebuilt the HR function to one which is highly valued and respected both internally and externally. Internally she has developed a true centre of excellence which partners with the business to ensure HR programmes are developed to support the business strategy. Her passion for people and personal investment in raising the profile of diversity across the business has had a significant impact on many employees globally.

Julie Simpson
HR Person of the Year 2017
Julie Simpson is the Head of Employment Relationships at The Warehouse Group. She has occupied this role for 3 years and in this time has had a substantial impact in changing the way the business views employment relations; Julie’s approach to employment relations has shifted the business from a compliance focus, to embracing commitment by empowering our Leaders to do the right thing for our team and the business. This has also had a significant impact on our customers and ultimately assisting the business to achieve our strategic objective of helping the communities of New Zealand flourish

The Strand Veterinarian
Supreme Award 2024, in association with AMP and Strategic Pay
The founding philosophy of The Strand Veterinarian was “growing our veterinary professionals”.
Owners Dr Justine Alley and Dr Megan Alderson experienced firsthand the detrimental effect a career dedicated to caring had on themselves and their team.
With poor mental health and suicide common in their industry “wellbeing of our people” became a priority as they strived to prevent, protect, and promote their biggest asset, the veterinary professionals caring for the heartbeats at your feet.
With HR leader Amy Raine they developed, implemented, and analysed the effect of a wellness programme suitable for healthcare professionals with outstanding results.

Z Energy
Supreme Award 2023
With the national gender pay gap currently at 9.2% and the gender retirement gap at 20%, Z Energy has made several innovative policy changes as part of a clear path forward to narrow these gap and achieve more equitable outcomes for women and other minority groups.
Salary transparency, an innovative KiwiSaver offering, and systematic modelling of our gender pay gap are helping us to deliver on our objective to completely close Z’s gender pay gap (currently 3.4%) by FY24. Z is normalising remuneration negotiation, equipping our people with greater financial literacy, and encouraging greater agency across all demographics.

Bank of New Zealand
Supreme Award 2022
The Bank of New Zealand (BNZ’s) Te Hōkaitanga won the inaugural HRNZ Supreme Award for showing the greatest overall leadership in human resources practice. The programme, which focusses on exploring and evolving leadership capability through a Māori lens, produced many quick wins… While originally thought to be a longer-term goal; BNZ have been able to rapidly accelerate career progression, organisational transformation, and culture change through strategic and thoughtful programme design.

Julia Stones DistFHRNZ
Outstanding Service Award 2024, in association with Strategic Pay
Julia Stones is a highly respected HR professional and career coach with over 25 years of experience in the UK and New Zealand. She has guided HR professionals at every career stage toward success, including her impactful roles as a former HRNZ Board member and elected National President, where she advanced key initiatives like Chartered Membership and CPD.
In 2024, Julia received the HRNZ Outstanding Service Award, which honors professionals who have significantly shaped the HR field and elevated its perception in the business community. This prestigious award, decided by the HRNZ Board, recognises her lasting contributions to the HR profession.

Kirsten Patterson, CEO of the Institute of Directors, DistFHRNZ
Outstanding Service Award 2023, in association with Strategic Pay

Paul Toulson DistFHRNZ, Massey University
Lifetime Achievement Award 2022
The Lifetime Achievement Award was presented to Associate Professor Paul Toulson DistFHRNZ. A registered psychologist by training, Assoc Prof Toulson has worked as a Human Resources Management academic for over 36 years at Massey University. Paul was HRNZ National President from 1997 to 1999 and is a long-standing member of the HRNZ Academic Branch and has been involved with the Manawatū Branch Committee. Paul was also the founding Editor of the New Zealand Journal of Human Resources management (NZJHRM), which he continues to contribute to as an Editorial Review Board Member. A true gentleman in every sense of the word, Paul’s contribution to the HR industry across Aotearoa is simply exceptional.

Geoff Summers DistFHRINZ
Lifetime Achievement Award 2020, in association with Strategic Pay
Geoff has made an outstanding contribution to the New Zealand HR profession over the past 30 years as a subject matter expert and consultant specialising in Human Resources.
Geoff has significant experience as Director of Human Resources within state sector organisations. As Director and Principal Consultant with Strategic Pay he consulted to a wide range of private, public and not-for-profit organisations across New Zealand.
Geoff is widely recognised as an expert in his field. He has served on a range of Advisory Boards, including the Governing Council of Te Wananga o Raukawa, The Samaritans Hutt Valley, Samaritans New Zealand. He was appointed by the Minister of Labour to serve on the Ministerial Committee that reviewed the Code of Good Faith for Collective Bargaining in 2004. He is currently Deputy Chair of the Remuneration Authority, a Trustee on the Wellbeing Wellington Trust and Chair of the Advisory Board of Victoria University’s Centre for Labour, Employment and Work.
A graduate of Massey University with both an MBA and Masters in Business, Geoff has taught management skills and HR Management on the Victoria University MBA program. He has also taught Human Resource Management in International Business on Victoria University’s International MBA program at the Chinese University of Hong Kong.
Geoff is a Past President of HRNZ and continues to be actively involved with HRNZ, including Head Judge of the annual HRNZ Awards. Geoff’s contribution to the HR profession in New Zealand has been recognised in him being awarded a Distinguished Fellowship of HRNZ. He is also a Fellow of the Institute of Management New Zealand.

Richard Rudman DistFHRNZ
Lifetime Achievement Award 2019, in association with Strategic Pay