DISC Flow New Zealand®

DISC Flow® profiles are a combination of the world's most widely implemented behavioural profile DISC and Emotional Intelligence (EI).
In the same way DISC profiles made behavioural profiling usable across all levels of an organisation, not just the domain of senior leadership, DISC Flow® profiles have now made working with EI easy and practical for your whole company to use.
With DISC Flow®, an individual’s DISC style priorities and behaviours are combined with their level of EI to produce a more tailored and actionable DISC profile.
By including EI, DISC Flow® profiles provide significantly better understanding of how an individual’s behaviours impact their workplace communications and interactions. Our profiles provide tangible Tips for Development specifically designed to guide the user about behaviours they can KEEP, STOP or START doing to increase their workplace effectiveness.
Our core products include personal, leadership, group and comparison reports. But, our wider product range means businesses of any size are now able to access the well-known benefits of DISC profiles to build better workplace relationships, trust and engagement. From Certification through to our Small Business pack where no Certification is required, we are able to provide a profiling solution suited to your organisation.
For more information or to book at Zoom call please contact us at [email protected]
Describe your product or service and what it delivers
DISC Flow® are new DISC behavioural profiles which optionally include Emotional Intelligence (EI), specifically Self-Awareness and Awareness of Others. Our levels of EI affect how we flex and adapt our core behavioural preferences so, by including EI, these profiles provide more tailored, actionable content, better facilitating behavioral change and growth.
What size business or organisation does your product/ service suit?
Our product suits businesses from SME’s to large corporates.
What kinds of organisations may be interested in your product/ service?
Organisations of any size who are interested in growing communications, trust, engagement, leadership and sales may be interested in the DISC Flow® profiles.
We provide Advanced and Upskill Certifications for our larger clients who are then able to implement profiles themselves, integrating them into their own L&D programmes.
For SME’s, we have designed a Small Business package enabling them to run a DISC workshop in-house which will cost less than hiring an external facilitator, making it much more affordable.
We can also provide DISC-based facilitated workshops, training and coaching including Communications, Team Building, Leadership and Conflict Management.
How long has your product/ service been on the market?
DISC Flow® was launched in New Zealand in November 2021, but earlier in other areas of the world. It is an international product with New Zealand, being part of the Asia Pacific grouping.
DISC Flow® profiles are used by organisations right around the world.
What does your standard product cost?
Product cost varies depending on reports and package. Our retail prices are available through our website store but Certified trainers are able to access profiles at wholesale.
Indicatively, at wholesale pricing the DISC Flow® Core EI profile costs slightly less than other well-known DISC profiles such as the Everything DiSC Workplace profile. Our DISC only Portrait report cost substantially less than the ED Workplace report.
All presentation resources are provided free to Certified users. Unlike other DISC products there is no extra cost in buying presentation kits in order to facilitate the profiles.
Are there annual licensing costs? How are these structured?
No there are no annual licensing costs.
Is your product an off the shelf solution, or does it require customisation?
The core product is off the self, but its implementation into organisations can require customisation to existing L&D plans etc.
How long does your product take to implement? How does customisation impact this?
Training on the profile generation FACe system takes less than half an hour. Advanced Certification takes one day and Upskill Certification, for those who already know DISC, takes four hours.
What is your post-implementation support? Are there costs to this or is the up-front cost inclusive of additional support?
Once implemented the DISC Flow® team provide any support required free of charge. For Certified users there is also free ongoing Professional Development which comes as part of their Certification package.
Would you be able to provide example customers/ organisations who would be willing to allow site-visits for potential customers to view a demonstration of the product or service in action?
DISC profiles are well known and it is highly unlikely this would be required, but we are able to provide samples and guidance on implementation free, either in person or by Zoom. Customer references however are available.