
For over 80 years, Gallup has collected and analysed data about workplaces and the employees who experience them. We know more about the will of employees and customers than anyone else in the world. We continuously monitor advancements in areas that hold significant importance for workplaces and society as a whole through our global indicators, which we update quarterly to ensure leaders are aware of evolving perspectives. Through the world's largest ongoing study of the employee experience, we bring the voice of the employee to leaders with our annual State of the Global Workplace report. We share these insights to equip and empower leaders to make purposeful, informed decisions and achieve better outcomes. Our experts generate insights leaders can use to apply science-backed best practices and take action to boost performance outcomes.
When you partner with Gallup, you partner with a team that brings the energy of a great job and great life to their work with you.
Describe your product or service and what it delivers:
For over 80 years, Gallup has collected and analysed data about workplaces and the employees who experience them. Our experts generate insights leaders can use to apply science-backed best practices and take action to boost performance outcomes.
What size business or organisation does your product/ service suit?
We have solutions for all sizes and customize according to clients’ needs.
What kinds of organisations may be interested in your product/ service?
Across multiple industries: Government agencies, Technology-based companies, Banking and Finance organisations, Education sector, Pharmaceuticals, and many more.
How long has your product/ service been on the market?
For over 80 years and have been present in NZ since 2006.
What does your standard product cost?
We don’t have one standard product and offer multiple solutions. For more info about our platform:
Are there annual licensing costs? How are these structured?
Our survey platform is subscription based.
Is your product an off the shelf solution, or does it require customisation?
We have both off the shelf and customization. It all depends on the client’s needs.
How long does your product take to implement? How does customisation impact this?
Depending on the services required, it may range from 2-3 weeks. This includes the platform set-up and staff training on how to use the technology.
What is your post-implementation support? Are there costs to this or is the up-front cost inclusive of additional support?
Depending on the level of support needed, some are complimentary and some may involve an additional cost.
Would you be able to provide example customers/ organisations who would be willing to allow site-visits for potential customers to view a demonstration of the product or service in action?
We have an online demo of our platform -