People Central

People Central for Psychometric Testing & Assessment, Skills & Ability Tests.
No contracts, annual licenses, tests with expiry dates, junk tests & all the other stuff that drove us nuts when we were HR/P&C Managers in your shoes. Just the tests you want, when you want them.
Our 400+ New Zealand clients love our blend of fast candidate communications & turnaround of reports with comprehensive interpretation support. Gaining all the advantages of candidate assessments without slowing down their selection process enables them to make informed selection decisions ahead of competing job offers in a candidate-driven job market.
We’re independent of any test publisher, so you get the tests & assessments most suited to your vacancy & culture, not the closest fit to one publishers products.
Our tests & assessments include:
- Psychometric testing and assessment range of Ability Tests, Personality Assessments and Sales Effectiveness Tests from major test publishers, including Psytech, Podium, SHL, Talogy & Hogrefe.
- Over 3,000 Software & Admin Skills Tests, from simulated tests of Microsoft-office skills through to Digital Literacy for home-working self-sufficiency.
- The only suite of NZ-Specific Accounting & Bookkeeping Skills & Knowledge Tests in the country
We operate at every level of employment, from factory floor staff, to CEO selection and every step in between; across all business, NFP and public sectors.
Describe your product or service and what it delivers
People Central provides psychometric assessments of ability and personality, alongside skills testing, to enable our clients to make fast, yet thoroughly informed selection and development decisions.
We deliver results for every level of job in every employment sector.
What size business or organisation does your product/ service suit?
Every employer who views people as an asset rather than a cost should talk to us.
Our clients range from start-ups hiring their first employee through to multi-national corporates with New Zealand offices, government ministries and every step in between.
What kinds of organisations may be interested in your product/ service?
Just about every New Zealand employer is facing critical shortages of staff in just about every job, so every employer looking to make fast and thorough recruitment decisions should be talking to us.
When you find a candidate, they likely have competing job offers lining up already, so being able to quickly assess their likelihood to add value and where they are likely to need priority support to keep them motivated and engaged during their first few months has never been more vital.
How long has your product/ service been on the market?
We only endorse and offer tests and assessments that have passed stringent criteria of reliability and validity, so all have been in the marketplace long enough to achieve that status.
Some personality questionnaires have been around for decades, whilst our accounting-specific tests were developed by us in the past 2 – 5 years.
What does your standard product cost?
Pricing depends on the tests chosen & whether a role requires a singular test/assessment or a combination.
Admin & Software Skills tests are priced at $127, whilst ability test suites are $315 and full personality profiling assessments are charged at $495. Blended assessment can be discounted.
Anyone shopping for testing on price alone won’t be working with us as we only use valid & reliable products and focus on service level not price.
Are there annual licensing costs? How are these structured?
No. We operate a ‘pay as you go’ model with no contracts, annual licence fees, minimum purchases, tests with expiry dates or all the other stuff that drove us nuts when we were People Managers in your shoes. Just the tests you want, when you want them, no matter whether you test 2 candidates a year or 20 candidates a month.
Is your product an off the shelf solution, or does it require customisation?
Both! Most of the psychometric and skills tests are off the shelf, but their delivery is customised to suit the behaviours and skills required in a specific role, along with the culture our client is looking to develop or maintain in their organisation.
Some clients go to great lengths to develop ideal profiles specific to their organisation and we can customise reporting to suit.
How long does your product take to implement? How does customisation impact this?
In an era of acute labour and skills shortages, responsiveness is equal in importance to quality, so People Central has service levels that attract positive feedback and sometimes delight from our clients.
We get agreed assessments out to candidates the same day they are ordered and psychometric assessment reports back to clients within 24 hours of completion. Skills test reports are delivered within minutes of completion.
Delivery of results is backed up with one-to-one interpretation support wherever needed by clients and we strongly encourage all clients to let us provide assessment feedback to candidates regardless of whether they were successful to add value to their employer brand amongst everyone who comes into contact with them as an applicant.
What is your post-implementation support? Are there costs to this or is the up-front cost inclusive of additional support?
Our testing & assessment fees are inclusive of all support to client and candidates.
Would you be able to provide example customers/ organisations who would be willing to allow site-visits for potential customers to view a demonstration of the product or service in action?
Yes, that can be arranged by contacting us.