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Nicole Vaughn APHRNZ

What led you to a career in HR/ the position that you are in currently? 

Like many others in the profession, I came to HR by the scenic route. Previous roles had many HR-adjacent tasks where I developed complementary skills. It took a career-break with the birth of my child to allow me to reassess what was important to me and what aspects of work I most gravitated to. I completed my tertiary studies in HR then embarked on my new path. 

What do you love about working in HR? 

The ability and remit to interact with people across all layers and areas of an organisation. HR operates from a different perspective than those in the ‘thick of it’ and we are therefore able to provide insight from a bigger-picture angle. Mostly, I love that organisations succeed when their people are engaged (win-win!) – so I get the opportunity to incrementally win over hearts and minds by extolling the virtues of a people-first approach. 

What is an achievement so far in your career that you are proud of? 

Completing my degree as an adult student is something that I will always be proud of. Within my HR career, some of the most satisfying professional moments are when I can see that I have gained the trust of an individual – whether a recently joined graduate or a senior manager – and they know I am there to help, with the underlying motivation being my drive for them and the company to thrive. 

What are your thoughts on the Accredited Professional Member process? 

I found it to be a good opportunity to reflect and acknowledge what I have actually accomplished. We often get caught up in the day to day, so this process allowed me to take some time to focus on myself and my career. It was very professionally administered and any questions I had were promptly answered. 

Do you plan to now work towards becoming a Chartered Member? 

Yes. The framework provided by HRNZ gives direction for growth and development. Having a goal and knowing the sense of achievement I would feel keeps me motivated to move forward. 

What are your next steps in terms of your career? 

My goal is to provide high value to my organisation through retention-focussed initiatives and a continual-improvement mindset. Beyond administrative components, HR is an important strategic function. Therefore, as most organisational decisions impact people, I would like to grow to be a trusted and influential voice at the strategic table