Apply to be a Chartered Fellow
Guidelines for Members
Chartered Fellow status may be granted to HRNZ members who have been approved as a Chartered Member and have the right to use the post nominal CMHRNZ. It provides proof that the member has met the requirements of Chartered Membership and are recognised by their peers as senior HR practitioners/academics who are highly skilled and knowledgeable."
In order to be accredited, Chartered Members must demonstrate
1. All core capabilities at ‘Leads’ level minimum
2. Expertise in at least three domains of knowledge, one of which must be taken from the following list:
- Diversity, Inclusion and Equity
- Employment Relations
- Change Management
- Health Safety and Wellbeing
- Attraction, Recruitment and Selection
- Remuneration and Rewards
- Learning and Development
- Employee Engagement and Experience
Criteria for Chartered Fellow
To qualify as a Chartered Fellow the applicant must demonstrate:
A Either
- proven business contribution, or
- proven contribution to research and/or teaching
B And must also have:
- Record of high achievement / high influence in profession, AND
- Proven contribution to HRNZ / Recognition from HRNZ, AND
- Proven record of relevant ongoing CPD
These Criteria are further clarified as follows:
Proven business contribution demonstrates the contribution and difference the applicant has made to business / organisations through their work. Business contribution must be significant (in relation to the size of the organisation), repeated (with multiple examples) and demonstrated through evidence of sustained improvement in business outcomes. This may be evidenced by examples similar to those provided below but in a wider business / organisational context. Other examples include:
- Recognition by other professional bodies
- Awards for business achievement
- Verified examples of business impact (including financials)
Proven contribution to research is demonstrated by a sustained track record of contribution to the advancement of broad HR thought leadership / advancement of HR practice or the profession through research. The research must be ethical, sanctioned by a recognised tertiary institution and available publicly. Examples include but are not limited to:
- Track record of published articles in reputable journals
- Evidence of PBRF score
- Multiple reputable conference proceedings listing the applicant as a formal presenter in their own right
Proven contribution to teaching is demonstrated by a sustained track record of effective teaching practice. Examples include but are not limited to:
- Innovations in pedagogy
- Curriculum design
- Mentoring and other forms of teaching leadership
Record of high achievement/ high influence in profession is evidenced by significant voluntary contribution / regular participation in a wider professional capacity that shows commitment to the applicants profession (HR and other) over a sustained period of time. This may be evidenced by examples similar to those provided below but in a wider HR / Leadership and management context.
Proven contribution to HRNZ/ Recognition from HRNZ may be evidenced by significant voluntary contribution / regular participation in any other capacity that shows commitment to HRNZ over a sustained period of time (which goes beyond attendance at events or mere financial membership). This may be evidenced by at least four relevant and significant examples similar to those provided below.
Proven record of ongoing relevant CPD is the same measure as is expected for Chartered Membership and must be evidenced in the application.
Examples of Evidence
The following examples are the type of evidence that may be provided to fulfil the Contribution to HRNZ criteria. They may also be used to evidence other criteria, in a wider context. Examples include but are not limited to:
- Serving a full term on the National Board
- Serving on a Branch Committee for at least one year with recognised contribution
- Serving on a Board convened committee or working group (eg Grading Panel)
- Presenting at a national conference or summit (in person or by webinar)
- Presenting at a local branch event or SIG
- Convening a SIG for at least 2 years
- Committee membership of a HRNZ Forum (eg Executive Forum, Academic Forum)
- Delivering a PD seminar (in person or via webinar)
- Engaging in the HRNZ LinkedIn page by posting or commenting on the posts of others on a regular basis (not just Likes)
- Writing for the HRNZ magazine
- Winning an award at the HRNZ awards
- Mentoring others via the HRNZ mentoring programme
- Regular participation in any other capacity that shows commitment to HRNZ, which goes beyond attendance at events or financial membership
Note Sponsorship does not constitute contribution to HRNZ and may not be used as evidence for Chartered Fellowship application.
Sufficient details must be provided (e.g. date of article, year of committee, impact measure of contribution etc.) to enable the assessors to verify the application.
Application Timeframe
Chartered Fellowship can only be bestowed on a Member who has been granted Chartered Membership through the normal application process. A member should have held Chartered Membership for two years prior to applying for Fellowship. In limited circumstances this timeframe may be waived at the discretion of the Board, but only if the person excels to an exceptional level in all other required criteria.
There is no reciprocity with other international HR bodies (including AHRI and CIPD) for Chartered Fellowship. Applicants who hold Chartered Membership of recognised international HR bodies must meet the HRNZ criteria for Fellowship in its own right, with particular note of contribution to HRNZ and HR in New Zealand.
Application Process
- Timing
- Any Chartered Member of HRNZ who believes they meet the eligibility criteria listed above may apply for Chartered Fellowship status at any time
- HRNZ will call for applications / self nominations once per calendar year
- All applications must include
- A full application / nomination form and CV
- Two detailed references (and one written reference)
- Clear indication of which criteria the person believes they meet and description of how that criteria is met
- Process
- National Office will receive and process applications, including checking that the application is complete and conducting reference checks. National Office may seek further information from the applicant.
- Applications will be considered by the board at the first available board meeting following submission of a complete application. Note that a subcommittee of the board may be asked to review the application and recommend an outcome to the full board.
- The outcome of applications will be notified by phone, and in writing, to the applicant no later than one month after board consideration
- The board may seek further evidence, or request additional information, and reserves the right to right to approve or not Chartered Fellowship nominations at its discretion, whether or not some or all of the criteria are met and without explanation
- Reconsiderations
- If an application is declined the applicant has a right to request reconsideration. Any request for reconsideration must:
- Provide additional evidence that demonstrates criteria are met
- Be lodged with National Office no later than one month after the initial decision was confirmed
- If an application is declined the applicant has a right to request reconsideration. Any request for reconsideration must:
- Resubmissions
- An applicant can resubmit their application at any time, once they can provide evidence that they meet the criteria.
The Board may confer the designation of Chartered Fellow on any financial member who (as stated in Section 6.3(b) of the HRNZ Constitution) provides:
- two (2) referees, both members of HRNZ, one of whom where possible must be a Distinguished or Chartered Fellow;
- a written reference from one of those referees.
It is HRNZ preference to seek referee checks from external / non HRNZ referees to obtain independent perspective on the application.
Applicant's accept and agree that the information supplied by them will be shared with their nominated referees, the Chief Executive and the Board. HRNZ will notify the applicant in writing of the outcome of their application. It will only advise the local Branch where the applicant’s application was successful. All information shared shall be used only for the purpose for which it is collected - assessing the applicant’s suitability for Chartered Fellow. All applications for Chartered Fellow status shall be treated in the strictest of confidence.