Chanon Cations CMHRNZ

What led you to a career in HR/ the position that you are in currently?
As a person with a keen curiosity about others, I began my career in recruitment and have since advanced to the Senior Leadership Team at Worley New Zealand. Collaborating with Global People Leads, I've uncovered endless opportunities for ongoing growth in HR. Pursuing a career in HR has been a natural evolution, fuelled by my enthusiasm for engaging with and supporting both individuals and people initiatives. The variety within HR has maintained my engagement, and I consider myself fortunate to have accumulated extensive experience across different sectors and disciplines.
What do you love about working in HR?
As a Māori wahine, I appreciate the values of tika (truth), pono (integrity), and aroha (care and compassion) in my work. Transitioning from an individual contributor to an executive leader, I have loved how HR enables you to coach, upskill, share, design, and implement policies for the benefit of all. In HR, we wield the power to influence, empower, and foster win/win scenarios. The ability to positively make an impact is what fuels my passion for working with and for people.
Are there any specific highlights of your career that you wish to share?
A personal highlight for me was working with Tegel. The teamwork, diversity, equity, and focus on looking after each other while completing work efficiently created a strong sense of community. It felt like a very large whanau, and the people were amazing.
A significant professional highlight has been collaborating with Worley to implement initiatives supporting underrepresented groups in Engineering, including women, Pacifica, and Māori. Working to fix pay equity and close the pay gap is one example of these efforts.
What are your thoughts on Chartered Membership?
I admire individuals who commit to ongoing development. Achieving chartership in any field signifies a strong dedication to personal growth. Being part of a team of like-minded individuals is a privilege. The HRNZ pathways provide an excellent framework for continuous learning. I encourage everyone to keep expanding their knowledge base. As Leonardo da Vinci wisely stated, "Learning is the only thing the mind never exhausts, never fears, and never regrets".
What motivated you to work towards becoming a Chartered Member?
At Worley, I frequently support and endorse individuals in their pursuit of Chartership. The HRNZ capability framework, along with HRNZ's commitment to Te Tiriti, diversity, equity, and inclusion, as well as enhancing technical skills, truly resonates with me. The continuous professional development (CPD) activities further reinforce these principles. Consequently, I am thrilled to be part of this kaupapa, which I wholeheartedly support.
What are your next steps in terms of your career now that you are a Chartered Member?
"Whāia te mātauranga hei oranga mō koutou" – this whakatauki emphasizes that continual learning is key for your wellbeing and development. Pursue the journey of learning, and the world will become your oyster. Next step is Chartered Fellowship!