Christin Ritchie CMHRNZ

What led you to a career in HR/ the position that you are in currently?
I’ve always had a passion for people. While varied, all my roles to date have been people-centric - from Customer Services, to People Leadership, to Advisory and Coaching roles. I was fortunate to be offered an opportunity in Human Resources which led to me currently working as a Senior People and Performance Advisor in Local Government. I’m proud to know that my contributions enable our organisation to give back to the community.
What do you love about working in HR?
I love the diversity of Human Resources. No two days are the same! I get to spend my days coaching people leaders and supporting staff. I am very privileged to work for an organisation that enables me to develop and implement initiatives/projects to support our people with their wellbeing, career and personal development and to provide recognition to our staff for all their hard work. Being a part of helping people to achieve their goals and facilitate tangible change is a big part of what makes my role so rewarding.
Are there any specific highlights of your career that you wish to share?
My highlights are the opportunities I’ve been provided with, and the knowledge that has been shared with me. I have been able to collaborate with some amazing people in my role and built amazing connections too, which has resulted in some great initiatives, particularly in the events and Te Ao Māori spaces, learning and then being able to implement and pass on that knowledge is hugely satisfying.
What are your thoughts on Chartered Membership? How do you feel about being a Chartered Member?
I feel extremely proud to be a Chartered Member. It’s a wonderful way to be recognised for my mahi, and to show my commitment to the profession.
What motivated you to work towards becoming a Chartered Member?
Being an HRNZ member and seeing all the great work everyone in my field is doing. My manager and mentor also inspired me to start on this journey.
What are your next steps in terms of your career now that you are a Chartered Member?
Next steps for me, would be to move back into a people leadership role. I would also like to become a mentor for any up and coming HR professionals. Being a part of helping others to grow and succeed is something I am passionate about, something I want to keep increasing my skills and knowledge about and something I want to continue to grow in.