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Employment Law Lens: Proposed changes to employment-related legislation & the potential implications

2 April 2025
  • Start: 5:30pm
  • End: 7:00pm
  • Duration: 1 Hours 30 Min
  • Category: Regional Events
  • Region: Wellington
  • JB Morrison Lawyers
  • Level 7, 126 Lambton Quay
  • Wellington Central 6011
Join the Wellington Branch and JB Morrison for our first Employment Law update in 2025!

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This is an in-person event
We are very fortunate to have Tess and the amazing team at JB Morrison generously sponsor another Employment Law Update.

In this session they will cover the proposed changes to employment-related legislation (and its implications).  

At this stage, this includes:  
•    Introducing an income threshold for unjustified dismissal;
•    Strengthening consideration and accountability for an employee’s behaviour in the personal grievance process;
•    Reintroduction of pay deductions for partial strikes; 
•    Proposing a gateway test to distinguish the difference between employees and contractors; 
•    Ending pay secrecy; and 
•    Holidays Act reform.  
As always, bring along your questions, thoughts and war stories.

HRNZ Members = FREE
HRNZ Student Members = FREE
Non-Members = $25.00
Please note our prices include GST.  Payment is due at the time of registration, if not received your registration may be cancelled.
To Register
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Cancellations & Refunds
To receive a full refund cancellation must be received by HRNZ by email to [email protected] three working days before the day of the event.
Cancellations after this time and/or 'no shows' on the day will be payable in full.
Appropriate substitutions are welcome - please email [email protected] with their details

Presenter Details

Tess von Dadelszen, Olivia Smith, Sam McGuire & Izaak Lynch
Tess von Dadelszen, Olivia Smith, Sam McGuire & Izaak Lynch

Tess is a partner at JB Morrison Lawyers (previously known as Morrison Kent) and leads the employment law team. She works with employer and employee clients on all employment law issues. Tess has a wide range of experience across all aspects of employment law – including disciplinary issues, performance management, personal grievances, restructuring and redundancy, investigations, parental leave, health and safety, salary and wage matters, employment agreements and restraints of trade. Tess is experienced in mediation, the Employment Relations Authority, and has appeared in the Employment Court. Tess partners with her clients to assess issues with legal and practical considerations in mind. She provides tailored and pragmatic advice to achieve the best possible outcomes. Tess has a particular passion for tailoring all advice to her particular clients and their circumstances and needs. Tess regularly presents seminars and enjoys partnering with businesses to conduct issues-based training for management to upskill them in employment relations matters. Olivia Smith and Sam McGuire are solicitors in the employment law team at JB Morrison Lawyers. Olivia and Sam both have experience in performance management, disciplinary issues, personal grievances, restructures, salary and wage matters, restraints of trade and in drafting tailored employment agreements.

Sponsor Details

JB Morrison Lawyers
JB Morrison Lawyers
With thanks to our event sponsor

JB Morrison Lawyers is a mid-sized law firm with offices in both Wellington and Rotorua, specialising in employment, health and safety, business and commercial, family, property, Māori land and business, dispute resolution and insurance law. JB Morrison prides itself on providing pragmatic and tailored advice to achieve the best possible outcomes for its clients

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If you wish to register for this event as a non-member, please log in to your non-member account, or create one here. Having a non-member account enables seamless event registration and personalised content delivery.