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IO Psychology SIG: Why Reliability is the Game-Changer in Talent Development & Selection

8 April 2025
  • Start: 5:30pm
  • End: 7:00pm
  • Duration: 1 Hours 30 Min
  • Category: Regional Events
  • Region: Auckland
  • Albany Psychology Clinic - Massey University
  • Level 3, Albany Village Library Building (off Kell Drive)
  • 229 Dairy Flat Highway
  • Albany Village, North Shore 0632
Join us for an insightful session with Massey alumni Professor Duncan Jackson as he explores the fundamental topic of reliability in measures of potential and performance.

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Brought to you in partnership with the Auckland IO Psychology Special Interest Group (IOSIG) and HRNZ
You no doubt know the difference between a pop test and a credible psychological test. Serious thinking and work goes into developing a credible test. One vital component is the test’s reliability. That means this measure is one you can rely on. Reliability is not just crucial for tests. Think of the other measures you rely on for people assessments and decisions. Performance ratings, 360’s, staff surveys, team building personality assessments. If reliability is fundamental, how do we know if the measures we’re looking at are ones we can rely on? How credible is your advice and decisions if based on the shaky ground of unreliable measures? 

📢 Why attend?
The measures you use, often for high-stakes decisions about people, rest on the assumption of reliability.  Duncan gives you the opportunity to check your assumptions, and to make the changes that will make your measures more useful and your decisions more credible.

HRNZ Members = $20.00
HRNZ Student Members = FREE
Registered Psychologists/Chartered Organisational Psychologists = $20.00*
Non-Members = $30.00
Please note our prices include GST.  Payment is due at time of registration.  If not received your registration may be cancelled
*Registered Psychologists/Chartered Organisational Psychologists, please email [email protected] for the discount code
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To receive a full refund cancellation must be received by HRNZ by email to [email protected] three working days before the day of the event.
Cancellations after this time and/or ‘no shows’ on the day will be payable in full.
Appropriate substitutes are welcome - please email [email protected] with their details

Presenter Details

Professor Duncan J. R. Jackson, King’s Business School

Professor Duncan J. R. Jackson PhD, CPsychol., FHEA, Academic MCIPD Duncan Jackson is a Professor in the Department of Human Resource Management and Employee Relations, King’s Business School, King’s College London. He has published in some of the leading journals in the discipline, including the Journal of Applied Psychology, the Journal of Vocational Behavior, the Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, Personnel Psychology, Human Performance, and the International Journal of Selection and Assessment. Duncan is Associate Editor for Human Performance and the Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology and is a Senior Data Analyst for the Cabinet Office in the UK. Duncan’s research is concerned with multifaceted assessment in the organisational context, which includes artificial intelligence evaluations, performance assessment, and assessment and development centres. Duncan has an interest in applications of generalizability theory as a comprehensive perspective on measurement reliability. At King’s College, Duncan teaches Analytics for HRM and Business and Research Methods. He is the Programme Director for the MSc in HRM and Organizational Analysis, which offers a CIPD-accredited Master’s-level course. Duncan has worked with and consulted to organisations in New Zealand, South Korea, and the United Kingdom.

Sponsor Details

This event is brought to you in partnership with the Auckland IO Psychology Special Interest Group

To access member rates, please log into your membership account, or join HRNZ as a member before registering.

If you wish to register for this event as a non-member, please log in to your non-member account, or create one here. Having a non-member account enables seamless event registration and personalised content delivery.