Thursday Think Tank
- Start: 12:00pm
- End: 1:00pm
- Duration: 1 Hours
- Category: Regional Events
- Region: Waikato
- Online
To access member rates, please log in to your membership account, or join HRNZ as a member before registering.
If you wish to register for this event as a non-member, please log in to your non-member account, or create one here. Having a non-member account enables seamless event registration and personalised content delivery.
This is a Member only event. This event is full, email [email protected] if you would like to be waitlisted
Calling all Senior HR Practitioners, and/or those who find it difficult to get to in-person events... 📣
On the third Thursday of every second month, HRNZ Waikato Branch will be holding an online forum to connect with your peers and explore a discussion topic, problem solve or confidentially workshop an HR issue you might be facing.
No preparation required, just join us online and be prepared to join in the discussion.
Note: To ensure open discussion and free sharing these sessions will not be recorded.
HRNZ Members: FREE (for a limited number)
To Register
You must have a Member Account and be logged in to register for events.
Please note: if you are NOT attending the event, you can no longer register on behalf of others.
For all queries relating to this event email [email protected]
To cancel please email [email protected] prior to the event
To access member rates, please log into your membership account, or join HRNZ as a member before registering.
If you wish to register for this event as a non-member, please log in to your non-member account, or create one here. Having a non-member account enables seamless event registration and personalised content delivery.