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Transforming HRM in Aotearoa

22 - 24 May 2024
  • Start: 9:00am
  • End: 5:00pm
  • Duration: 2 Days 8 Hours
  • Category: Professional Development
  • Region: Auckland
  • Sudima Auckland City
  • 63-67 Nelson Street
  • Auckland 1010
This course aims to develop culturally responsive and equitable HRM practice to improve the employee experience for Māori in the workplace.

To access member rates, please log in to your membership account, or join HRNZ as a member before registering.

If you wish to register for this event as a non-member, please log in to your non-member account, or create one here. Having a non-member account enables seamless event registration and personalised content delivery.

Log in to register

Nā tō rourou, nā taku rourou, Ka ora ai te iwi.

With your basket of knowledge, and my basket of knowledge, the people shall prosper.


This programme aims to provide HR practitioners with an opportunity to develop their HR practice that directly and intentionally benefits Māori employees, recognising Māori as Tāngata Whenua o Aotearoa and Treaty partners.

Programme curriculum:

Day 1 focuses on:

  • Local context: Mana whenua
  • Raising an awareness of the workplace for Māori and the role of HR
  • Identifying potential issues and opportunities in the workplace for Māori
  • Developing cultural competency as an HR leader and practitioner

Day 2 focuses on:

  • Building theoretical knowledge through Māori HR and leadership research
  • HRNZ competency deep-dive: Develop HR cultural competency practice

Day 3 focuses on:

  • Re-imagining the future of “HRM Aotearoa”: The building blocks of developing bi-cultural HR practice in New Zealand
  • HRM solution building: Practical HR solutions that enhance the experience of the Māori workforce

Post-wānanga, participants will be required to implement their personal commitment agreement project within a nominated workplace project or activity. A participant online wānanga will be held to share key learnings, insights and reflections. On completion of this online wānanga (approximately 90 days after the course), participants will be awarded HRNZ certificates of completion and will be able to register HRNZ Continued Professional Development (CPD) through the HRNZ online portal.

After this course, attendees will be able to identify current and potential risks within HR practices in an Aotearoa workplace and identify solutions to improve these.

A workbook containing information and exercises is provided.

Who is this course for?

This course is open to HR Professionals at all capability levels of The Capability Framework, especially those at the 'Designs' level who have taken the HR Foundations course.


“This course is one of the best I’ve ever attended. To experience learning from a Tikanga perspective was inspirational.” Lisa, Head of People & Safety

“This wānanga was amazing. high quality facilitators of ako and content. The learning, content, interactive activities and resources are excellent. The leadership values we were taught were enacted by facilitators throughout the wānanga. Facilitators are highly experienced, knowledgeable and inspiring.” Kararaina, Senior Advisor Māori Capability

“The course was absolutely fantastic, I came away with so much more than I expected and it completed changed my mindset in a positive way. We need more courses like this.” Morgan-Rose, People Experience Talent Partner

Course Fee (includes GST)

Earlybird (available until Wednesday 24 April):

  • HRNZ Member = $2,323.00
  • Non-member = $2,668.00



  • HRNZ Member = $2,553.00
  • Non-member = $3,013.00


Feel free to email if you need any assistance.

All personal development events are subject to HRNZ Terms and Conditions.

Registrations close 12:00pm Wednesday 15 May, unless sold out prior.

Cancellation Policy

An appropriate substitute participant is welcome any time before the course starts. Please let us know the replacement's name. If you have booked on a member price and a non member is to attend in your place you will be invoiced for the difference in price.

A refund of fees will be made if a cancellation is received in writing at least 10 working days prior to the commencement of the course.

Regrettably, no refunds can be made for cancellations received after this date and you are liable for the full cost of attendance at the course.

Presenter Details

Karli Te Aotonga

Karli has iwi affiliations to Ngāti Awa, Te Arawa, Ngāti Raukawa, Ngāti Tūwharetoa ki Kawerau, Ngāi Tūhoe, Ngāti Ruanui, Ngā Rauru and Ngāti Koata. Karli is a Chartered Member of HRNZ (CMHRNZ), holds a bachelor in HRM, a master of Māori and Indigenous leadership and is working on PhD research focused on tikanga Māori and employment relations. Karli is committed to the kaupapa of transformational change and culture within all workplaces of Aotearoa that is focused on taking practical action to give effect to Te Tiriti o Waitangi. She is māmā to three boys, Cobey, Wiremu Te Awarua and Tūterangi-Te Ramaapakura, her life’s inspiration.

Dr Maree Roche

Dr Maree Roche (Raukawa) is a Professor at the University of Auckland Business School and Manutaki (Director) of the Dame Mira Szászy Centre for Leading Maaori Workforce Development at the University of Auckland. Dr Roche has an extensive career researching and teaching in areas such as leadership psychology, employee wellbeing and engagement, with a focus on indigenous, specifically Māori leadership and employee wellbeing, where she draws on a Māori/kaupapa perspective. Dr Roche is known for her ability to translate recent and topical research with evidence-based findings, into practical solutions for use and impact in organisations.

To access member rates, please log into your membership account, or join HRNZ as a member before registering.

If you wish to register for this event as a non-member, please log in to your non-member account, or create one here. Having a non-member account enables seamless event registration and personalised content delivery.