Discover HR's future capabilities and challenges 2022
Industry News

HRNZ Member Voice Survey
This year HRNZ’s Academic Branch carried out its annual survey - Member Voice – for the second year with an incorporation of THE PATH - the new Capability Framework for HR professionals.
We received 138 responses across a wide range of industries and organisation types, from professionals of all levels of HR throughout Aotearoa, New Zealand.
Read the Full Report - HRNZ Member Voice 2022
High-level Findings
HR Influence and Leadership
Our members told us that they felt their organisation's HR function had a good overall influence on their executive team, and that the overall strength of HR’s leadership across the organisation remained strong also.
Many of our respondents told us that they don’t feel their current technology supports the HR function, which is a potential barrier to lifting HR’s image and influence both across executive teams, and organisations as a whole.
HR Performance accross the Domains of Knowledge
Members felt well-equipped (either responding effective or excellent) to support their organisations in the areas of Employment Relations (79.4%) and Health, Safety and Wellbeing (64.2%).
The areas where members felt the least equipped and therefore where more support would be needed in 2023 were across the Domains of Knowledge of HR Systems & Technology (30.1%) and Analytics & Data Science (37.2%). These were followed by Workforce Planning (28.5%) and Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (26.8%).
HR Challenges
The biggest challenges for 2023, as told to us by our members, will likely be around recruitment and retention. The tight labour market, employee turnover and staffing shortages – including within HR as well as outside of HR – will undoubtedly increase the pressure from a resourcing, wellbeing and cost perspective. Continued leadership and influence, and finding innovative solutions will be crucial for success for HR professionals, regardless of their role or sector.
Many of our members’ comments reflect doubts and uncertainty around the Fair Pay Agreement system commencing on 1 December 2022. HR professionals may not be fully aware of the consequences this will have on their organisations.
Looking ahead to 2023
The soon to be implemented Fair Pay Agreement system includes support for bargaining parties to help them navigate the bargaining process and reach an outcome, as well as processes to ensure compliance.
With the system commencing this month, click below to get the lowdown on how this new legislation could impact your business or workplace.
Professional Development
Professional accreditation is an important development tool which helps demonstrate standards and achievements within and beyond professional boundaries. More than half our respondents told us that they or their teams would look to pursue professional accreditation in the new year.
Serving the Profession of HR in Aotearoa
Retaining and developing good HR talent has never been more important.
Get a head start on assessing and planning for your 2023 HR-needs with The Path.

Developed specifically for the unique demands on HR practitioners in Aotearoa, New Zealand, the new capability framework - The Path, has been built to help HR lead now and into the future.
The Path consists of three elements that together, outline what excellence in HR looks like over a number of different levels from a basic delivery level, through to a strategic governance level.
The framework is to meet the needs of many different stakeholders, without compromising on delivering a tool for busy and knowledgeable HR practitioners. Looking ahead to 2023 and beyond, you can use The Path to:
- Map your current capabilities
- Plan your development
- Identify your team's areas for growth
- Map a basic profile for recruitment