Programme launch - Transforming HRM in Aotearoa
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This pilot programme, to be held in Wellington on 9-11 June, aims to develop culturally responsive and equitable HRM practice to improve the employee experience for Māori in the workplace. It will provide HR practitioners with an opportunity to develop their HR practice that directly and intentionally benefits Māori employees, recognising Māori as Tāngata Whenua o Aotearoa and Treaty partners.
- Register Now - Transforming HRM in Aotearoa Pilot Programme
Day 1 focuses on:
- Local context: Mana whenua
- Raising an awareness of the workplace for Māori and the role of HR
- Identifying potential issues and opportunities in the workplace for Māori
- Developing cultural competency as an HR leader and practitioner
Day 2 focuses on:
- Building theoretical knowledge through Māori HR and leadership research
- HRNZ competency deep-dive: Develop HR cultural competency practice
Day 3 focuses on:
- Re-imagining the future of “HRM Aotearoa”: The building blocks of developing bi-cultural HR practice in New Zealand
- HRM solution building: Practical HR solutions that enhance the experience of the Māori workforce
Post-wānanga, participants will be required to implement their personal commitment agreement project within a nominated workplace project or activity. A participant online wānanga will be held to share key learnings, insights and reflections. On completion of this online wānanga, participants will be awarded HRNZ certificates of completion and will be able to register HRNZ Continued Professional Development (CPD) through the HRNZ online portal.