Professional Pathway
The Bold Path for Leading HR Professionals
HRNZ has developed The Path – the Capability Framework for HR professionals in Aotearoa, New Zealand that outlines what excellence in HR looks like over a number of different levels, from a basic delivery level through to a strategic governance level.
Check out The Path - The Capability Framework for HR Professionals
HRNZ supports HR Professionals to achieve recognised standards of excellence and competence in HR practice through our Professional Pathway.
We also connect members with opportunities to develop and maintain their capability throughout their career.
Progression for New Zealand HR Professionals

HRNZ provides recognition for proven HR practitioners through its offer of Accredited Professional and Chartered Member status. Chartered Members are acknowledged in the New Zealand market for having achieved required standards of competence in the HR profession. All HRNZ Members who are not yet Chartered or Accredited Professional are Affiliate Members and are recognised by the post-nominal AHRNZ.
Accredited Professional Membership
The Accredited Professional Member accreditation is available to early career HR professionals. This accreditation confirms to prospective Employers that a member has:
- Commenced a career in HR and/or completed education and training in human resource managementHR
- Demonstrated a solid foundational understanding of the Core Capabilities and Domains of Knowledge required for future HR leaders
- Has committed to a process of continuing professional development
- Has demonstrated a commitment to the HRNZ code of practice for HR professionals in New Zealand
Accredited Professional Members are recognised by the post-nominal APHRNZ.
Find out more about Accredited Professional Membership
Chartered Membership
Becoming a Chartered Member ratifies your professional capability as an HR practitioner, whilst demonstrating a commitment to Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and leadership across our HR community in Aotearoa, New Zealand.
Chartering process is aimed at experienced HR professionals, who are committed to and leading in the profession. A Chartered member will gain:
- An acknowledgement of your level of achievement and professionalism, and a demonstration of your commitment to the profession
- Guidance and opportunities to enhance their development through the Continuing Professional Development (CPD) system
- Increased professional opportunities for career advancement and eligibility for a higber status of chartered membership.
Chartered Members are recognised by the post-nominal CMHRNZ.
Find out more about Chartered Membership
Chartered Fellows
Chartered Members of HRNZ may apply to become Chartered Fellows. Applications are accepted in November and December each year.
To become a Chartered Fellow a member must demonstrate that:
- They have given outstanding service to their organisations or high level of contribution to research
- They have had high influence in the HR profession and contribution to HRNZ
- They have committed to ongoing Continuing Professional Development
Chartered Fellows are recognised by the post-nominal CFHRNZ.
Find out more about Chartered Fellows